Here be Subtlety is moving. Again. And yes, I’m actually talking about this blog. I wouldn’t spend two weekends painting various rooms of this apartment if I didn’t plan on staying for a while longer.
After my 14 days trial of Squarespace came close to an end, I decided that yes, it was worth the money. There were a few things that convinced me, but I want to go into detail once I have a bit more experience and am able to tell you more than „It looks cool and works nicely and that one thing seems awesome“. Just know that at first I was slightly underwhelmed and I actually need some quality time playing around with it to see where the beauty was.
So today I took out my credit card and sent the guys at Squarespace my details and that’s it. In the future you’ll find me at, but I might need some time to get ready, so right now it looks really messy and what could most accurate be described as under construction.
I also set up my account at tumblr, but there’s nothing on there right now. I was very happy with the template until I realized I can’t touch the friggin‘ CSS and markup, so that might change, too. Or my attitude towards being able to tweak the layout might change and I’m keeping it. It’s one or the other.
So. Yeah. That’s it. If it’s kind of quiet here, it’s because I’m trying to fill up two other sites with content as quickly as possible. Plus, deciding what to do with all the articles here, finding out how to best deal with the RSS and whatnot. Even moving on the internet brings its baggage. Damn.