Archive for April, 2009

Apr. 2009

The Power of Syndication

A couple of month ago I got an email from an old friend who was just about to move to Mosambique to live there for the next three years. To keep in touch with her friends she set up a web page (good idea). Apparently she was unhappy with the blog providers and instead decided […]

Apr. 2009

Old Books

I finally selected some books from the shelves to get rid of and make room for new ones. We still have free shelves, but until someone gets a ladder to move stuff up there, that doesn’t help me one bit. It’s pretty hard for me to get rid of books. I won’t throw any away, […]

Apr. 2009

Too Close to the Real World (But Good)

This made me laugh until I cried at work. Some people there looked seriously concerned, until they watched it. You’ve probably already seen it, but just in case, you haven’t, now you have to. No excuses. Plus, here’s the direct link to the video on The Onion’s website.

Apr. 2009

Cute Little Goo Balls

I never saw that coming and I have yet to evaluate all the other applications, but so far World of Goo is my favorite MacHeist3 application. I should have known, though. I’m a sucker for these addictive games. I also love how dramatic the video for the game is. It doesn’t really fit the game’s […]

Apr. 2009


The trailer for Where the Wild Things Are looks really cool. I wasn’t even a big fan of the book as a child. I didn’t actively dislike it, but it didn’t play that big a role for me. I was raised more on Janosch, Astrid Lindgren and Erich Kästner for that matter. Anyway. It took […]

Apr. 2009

One, Two, Three, Four,… Ten Candles

I really like this video. Somehow it manages to give a very good and remarkably quick overview on how Google evolved over the past ten years.

Apr. 2009 Feature Request

Since iTunes isn’t listening to me, here’s a feature request for (and I’m only half joking here). I’d like the guys to kind of aggregate my neighbor data and tell me something like: Your musical taste most closely matches that of a 23 year old male from Denmark. And then I can go and […]

Apr. 2009

Tales From the Office

One of my co-workers just explained his next devious scheme: If you happen to live near a public park, install a camera, film parents hiding easter chocolates for their kids and then steal out when nobody’s looking and collect everything for yourself. There’s a lot of criminal and morally questionable energy here and I think […]

Apr. 2009

Desktop Setup Documented

Turns out I have nothing better to do on a Sunday than taking pictures of how my desktop looks like. Oh well. (Hint, if you click on the picture, you will be taken to the flickr page and be able to see tons of totally useful notes on what all of the stuff actually is.)

Apr. 2009

The Upsides of Cleaning Up Your External Hard Drive

How the hell did I forget about Harvey Danger’s Flagpole Sitta? It just went into my Wake Up! playlist, because that’s where it should have been all along.

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