Archive for Dezember, 2005

Dez. 2005

Mission Possible

Success! We got our tree. It was the first thing we did this morning and we were successful at the second place we stopped by. Now here’s what we got: And here is part of the decoration close up: Now our living room smells like Christmas and I can finally get into the spirit of […]

Dez. 2005

Our Christmas Plan Sucks

We just came back from tree hunting. Without a tree. Because we are stupid people who actually think that they will get a nice tree on the night before Christmas. Yeah, right. So, tonight I will set the alarm clock, and the first thing we’ll do tomorrow morning is drive back to all the places […]

Dez. 2005

I Can’t F***ing Concentrate When You People Don’t Stop Being Crazy

Work is a strange place with strange things happening. How am I supposed to concentrate on what I’m doing when everything around me goes nuts? I won’t go into details here and I don’t plan to, just know that since I work there – which is about a year now – I have come to […]

Dez. 2005

People Are Stupid

I hate the German Idol. Especially when they vote off my favorite contestant before the real shows have even started and instead The Boy Who Can’t Sing To Save His Life is allowed to stay on the show. German TV viewers, you are stupid. All of you. And I’m not ashamed to admit that I […]

Dez. 2005


Lesson learned today: A sharp knife and a thumb (especially mine) do not go together well. I need a band-aid, a kiss and a get-well-better song. As you can see, I got at least the first one. You have no idea how hard it is to cook with such a handicap. I know I didn’t.

Dez. 2005

‚Tis The Season (and a Tad Too Early)

I got my first totally unexpected Christmas gift. I love getting totally unexpected gifts. So, here’s to Andreas, the best friend a media-addicted girl could have. And the first season of Smallville on DVD. Picture me feeling loved.

Dez. 2005

I Need To Get To Know My Relatives

I have to find a DVD for my 14-year-old niece who – unfortunately – I have never met. In fact the only contact I ever made was when she was on the phone at my parents-in-law and they put her on speaker. So, my husband made a deal with her that she would watch an […]

Dez. 2005

A Christmas Music Dream Come True

All of you, go go go to Womenfolk RIGHT NOW. Robbie has put up lots of Christmas songs for you and you alone to download. I cannot stress this enough: GO! His musical taste is really really good and there’s no good excuse you can make up not to check it out. See, there’s an […]

Dez. 2005

Today’s Musical Quote

You keep hangin‘ round me And I’m not so glad you found me You’re still doing things that I gave up years ago Hangin‘ Around – Lou Reed

Dez. 2005

Goodbye, John

I hate when things like that happen. It’s not like I knew him personally, but I just loved Leo. Sad, sad, sad.

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