Archive for the 'Seeing is Believing' Category

Apr. 2009

Too Close to the Real World (But Good)

This made me laugh until I cried at work. Some people there looked seriously concerned, until they watched it. You’ve probably already seen it, but just in case, you haven’t, now you have to. No excuses. Plus, here’s the direct link to the video on The Onion’s website.

Apr. 2009

Desktop Setup Documented

Turns out I have nothing better to do on a Sunday than taking pictures of how my desktop looks like. Oh well. (Hint, if you click on the picture, you will be taken to the flickr page and be able to see tons of totally useful notes on what all of the stuff actually is.)

März 2009


Red walls + green stairs = Staircase Fail Not translating a perfectly translatable word in a children’s book’s title = Translation Fail

März 2009

Dollhouse Theme Song

After watching the first four episodes of Dollhouse, I’m not yet as overwhelmed by the show as I want to be, but I have hope that I will be soon. I’m just really glad that Joss Whedon is back and he brought Tim Minear along, too. I really like Dollhouse and it looks promising enough, […]

Feb. 2009

More Vietnam

Jan. 2009

More Visual Input

I just uploaded a whole batch of pictures from our Tallinn vacation. As (nearly) always, you can take a look here.

Aug. 2008


I think the whole thing including setting everything up and tidying up after took me about ten to twelve hours. But so worth it.

Aug. 2008

Look What I Did Today

I have blisters on my hand and am covered in red and green (and a couple of white) sprinkles, but I’m also really proud. Need to paint everything once more tomorrow, but then it should be done. (And hopefully look as good as I hope it will.)

Aug. 2008

Aug. 2008

bike seat amazon