It’s Not Too Late to do This, Is It?
Everyone else has done it, Justine tagged me… so here goes.
Four Jobs Youâ??ve Had In Your Life
1. Waitress. Twice.
2. Webdesigner. In the end the place went out of business before they could pay me. So I guess it’s okay I still have one of their webdesign books.
3. Giftwrapper at a bookshop. Fun.
4. Software developer. Not that much fun.
Four Movies You Could Watch Over And Over
1. The Muppets Christmas Carol
2. Fame
3. What About Bob?
4. Cruel Intentions
Four Places Youâ??ve Lived
1. Cologne, Germany (my grandparents‘ house – me and my parents lived on the second floor)
2. Leverkusen, Germany (my parents‘ house)
3. Bonn, Germany (my very own apartment)
4. Leverkusen, Germany (my first apartment with my husband)
Four TV Shows You Love To Watch
1. Veronica Mars
2. Gilmore Girls
3. Lost
4. How I Met Your Mother
… and as you know, many many more.
Four Places Youâ??ve Been On Vacation
1. Southampton / New Forest, Great Britain
2. France, 13 times
3. Chicago and the Great Lakes Area, USA
4. Tuscany, Italy (What can I say? It’s like France. Just not as good.)
Four Blogs You Visit Daily
1. Everything on my bloglines that has been updated
2. Go Fug Yourself
3. Chosen Words (Because it has no rss feed.)
4. Overheard in the Office
Four Of Your Favorite Foods
1. Sushi
2. My very special pasta salad
3. Chili con carne
4. Unfortunately lots of junk food. It’s really sad.
Four Places Youâ??d Rather Be
1. I’m at work, so practically anywhere but here.
2. France
3. Somewhere fun and/or beautiful and/or cute in the US (or at least an English-speaking country)
4. Home
Four Albums You Canâ??t Live Without – the Caitlin version
a.- albums that are part of your soul
1. Paul Simon: Still Crazy After All These Years & Hearts and Bones
2. Katell Keineg: Jet
3. Stina Nordenstam: And She Closed Her Eyes
4. Lori Carson: Stars
b.- albums you’ve recently been listening to daily
1. Rilo Kiley: More Adventurous
2. Beth Orton: Comfort of Strangers
3. Erin McKeown: Grand
4. Jenny Lewis with the Watson Twins: Rabbit Fur Coat
Four People To Be Tagged
You have all done this, haven’t you? If not, consider yourself tagged and leave me a message if you do this meme.