Good Times, Bad Times – You Choose

All the good things you think of me:

Johari Window

And some bad things, too:

Nohari Window

Update: I’m moving this up again, because not enough people have done this. Seriously. I need feedback on my greatness. You don’t have to do the negative one, though. I realize it seems hard for people to say negative things about others. I tried to do Jennifer’s Nohari window and failed because I just couldn’t bring myself to say anything bad about her. If the link didn’t work last time, please try again. I don’t know what is wrong, but it doesn’t seem to be broken, since four people managed to vote already.

Update #2: By the way, for those who don’t know. The Johari window is a kind of personality evaluation. You mark six adjectives who describe your personality best and have other people mark five or six adjectives who they think describe you best. This way you get a feedback on how other people view you in comparison to how you see yourself. A fun fact is that we did a very similar thing as a project in one of my sociology classes at university (and got a B+ on it) . We had one person evaluate themselves and another – a complete stranger – evaluate them just based on the first impression to find out about how a first impression really says something about the way a person sees her- or himself. Amongst other things it became obvious that people tend to assume positive character traits a lot more often than negative ones. So there’s still hope for the human race. I guess.