Cocktails for Everyone
I recently got into the whole cocktail thing. Remember the cocktail set I gave my husband for his last birthday? Did I write about that? If no, you know now. I gave him a cocktail set. You know, one of these completely selfish presents, because he wouldn’t possibly make cocktails just for himself, but also for me, me, me!
Turns out I’m making the cocktails. I mean, what was I thinking? That after five years of successfully scaring my husband out of the kitchen I wouldn’t be the one responsible? Yeah, right. For lack of ingredients matching any of the cocktail recipes but Planter’s Punch I’ve started with a lot of Planter’s Punches. Which are really tasty, by the way, so we could have just stopped there. But since I bought a whole book with cocktail recipes and tempting pictures of the cocktails we wanted more.
So some days ago I made a Martini. My first Martini ever. Now I wonder what the fuss is about. Sure, I liked the olive, but I can just eat olives and don’t have to sip through 5 parts Gin, 1 part Vermouth to finally get to one.
Today I went some more cocktail shopping, so tonight I made a Rum Swizzle, which was just great. I love cocktails. I’m okay with beer and wine, but I don’t necessarily need beer or wine. I’m actually fine with lemon ice-tea as well. But cocktails, YES! Especially when they’re fruity and with ice or drunk from fancy glasses or all of it.
And since I’m getting into it we will have an excellent cocktail booze selection in no time, so if any of you ever plan to come visit me I can at least promise to make you a fine cocktail. Doesn’t that sound like fun?