Mixed Confessions

Movies and TV shows I haven’t seen (and don’t intent to do so)

Schindler’s List
I haven’t seen Schindler’s List. I know it’s supposed to be a great movie and is listed in every ‚100-Top-Movies-Of-All-Time‘-Lists I have read so far, but I haven’t seen it.
The really strange thing is that I don’t even think I want to see it. I have not the slightest interest in seeing it. And I honestly have no idea where that strange non-interest in that particular movie comes from.
I even think that I would like that movie. I suppose it’s a great movie. I bet it would make me cry. Yet, if it would be on television tonight I would most likely watch something else.

Indiana Jones movies
I have seen zero Indy movies. None. Not one. Zero. Somehow they always slipped by my TV schedule and before I realized there were Indiana Joney movies they all disappeared to cable TV and until May I was the last person in this country without cable or satellite. Yeah, I was a caveman.
I fear I’m too old now to start watching Indiana Jones movies. I get the feeling that they are the kind of movies you watch for the first time when you’re about ten and then they somehow manage to become a part of your childhood nostalgia, which is the perfect excuse for watching a movie over and over again. Too late for me though.

Blade Runner
I don’t even know what that movie is about. Maybe this is part of the reason why I don’t know why I should watch it. How could I want to see a movie when I have no clue what it is about. This is what I know about Blade Runner:
1) Science Fiction movie
2) Harrison Ford
And since neither one of those things is my ultimate turn-on I haven’t gotten around to watching Blade Runner yet.
Wanna know a sick thing? We have that movie on DVD. At home. And I still haven’t seen it.

I don’t know what’s worse… the fact that I haven’t seen a single episode of MacGyver or the fact that I still think I should have watched it just so I knew what it is like and wouldn’t feel so dumb whenever someone mentions MacGyver. Just as I’m writing I search the internet and have now, at the age of 24, officially seen how MacGyver looked like for the first time. I’m so far behind.
It’s that guy that can build a power plant with just a wire, an old shoe and some moldy cheese sandwich, isn’t he?

Any Start Trek series /movie besides TNG
This is mostly because somewhen in the early nineties all Star Trek series and movies were broadcasted by SAT1, another station that I couldn’t receive. So, I have no Star Trek knowledge that extends the basic TNG knowledge. I have seen the very first episode of Star Trek: TNG though. You know the one with the giant jellyfish that somehow were turned into cities and then the crew rescued the jellyfish and in the end two jellyfish-turtledoves flew into space, tentacle in tentacle and if I’m not completely mistaken, they waved goodbye to the crew with another tentacle. Yeah. I was only a teenager and willing to absorb and believe everything on TV but even I realized that this was crap.

TV shows I would absolutely buy if they came out on DVD

Note to readers: I know. Don’t ask.

Rags to Riches
I would like to believe that this one goes without saying. I’m afraid it doesn’t. I was eight.

Earth 2
Should go without saying. Really. Loved that show. Only I hated Uly from episode one. Bad spoiled kid. Poor True.

Yeah, tragically enough. I would consider buying Blossom season sets on DVD. I still love the opening credits.

To be continued.

Current mood: Mixed in the sense that I don’t feel really happy and I don’t feel really bad.
Listening to: Worn Me Down by Rachael Yamagata.