I am WHAT?

This is a close apporiximation of the conversation Andreas and I had yesterday about the work situation around Karneval next year.

Me: So, where’s the logic here? We have the day off on Monday and they’re serving lunch and on Thursday we don’t have a day off and they don’t serve lunch? They could just say ‚You’re not allowed to come on Thursday. Stay home. There’s nothing here to see.‘

Andreas: I’m planning to take that day off anyway, so.

Me: Yeah, but the good thing is, they can’t force you to take the day off. So you could just come and have the whole building for yourself and do whatever you want.

Andreas: Yeah, but the thing is that that’s the day of the parade in Mönchengladbach, so all the streets are blocked. So there are no busses going home and my parents can’t pick me up from the station either.

Me: Yeah, only that…

Andreas: …what?

Me: That’s in February. You don’t live with your parents in February anymore. You’re moving out. You can walk to your apartment from the station then.

Andreas: I knew there was something.

Yeah, get used to the thought that you’re MOVING OUT! In three weeks. And that from a guy that talks about moving out for more than a year now. It’s finally happening.

And, yes, that was a real tenancy agreement that you signed.