A Year in Review – The Music Stuff

As part of the whole reviewing the last year here are my musical highlights:

6. My amazement when I found out that I don’t hate most of German music anymore. Mostly because suddenly there were a lot of good German singers and bands. Where the hell did they come from? Why weren’t they there before? It’s a complete mystery to me, but in the end I don’t care so much. The important thing is that they are here now and hopefully here to stay.

5. The discovery of Azure Ray. How could I have missed out? This is exactly the music I need and want and can dream to. Thanks to a podcast I occasionally listen to I finally have learned of their existence, and though so far I only have listened to „Hold on Love“ and the November EP I can tell you right now that I won’t leave it at that.

4. The Benjamin Biolay universe that it took me until this year to discover. The universe – at least for me – includes Coralie Clément, Home, the wonderful Keren Ann and the very Monsieur Biolay himself and therefore a lot of money was spent on my part to bring all the music home.

3. 2005 also was the year I got into CD swaps. By now I must have more than ten mixes sent to me from music-lovers from far away and there’s plenty of great songs and musicians that I probably wouldn’t know if it weren’t for these nice people putting them on their mixes. Thanks to Caitlin, Srah, Kira, Ms. Pants and Mike for letting me have a glimpse at their music collection.

2. My album highlight of the year arrived here on December, 24th and therefore I consider it an additional Christmas present – although I had to pay for it nonetheless. Annika Norlin alias Hello Saferide recorded one of the sweetest albums ever and I can only thank my lucky stars and the fact that Robbie from Womenfolk put up a link to her CD on his blog that I found out about it.

1. Any of you who already guessed what will come next? It’s actually really easy. My biggest musical highlight of the year was – of course – the purchase of the iPod. There’s nothing better than riding on the bus to work and have it shuffle through the more than 3,000 songs that I packed on it so far. And with the loudspeakers I got for Christmas bliss is complete.

What can I say, musically 2005 was a success all the way. Once again I want to thank all the people – artists, singers, bands, fellow bloggers and friends – who contributed and made it so good for me. Here’s to 2005 and hoping that 2006 will be just as good – if not better.