What I Read
In March I thought I’d make it through the 60+ books that were on my booklist before the new Best-Book-Read-In-The-Last-Year list of Powell’s Bookstore came out (which was – and probably will be – around March, as far as I remember).
In October I’d lowered my expectations to 52 books read by the end of the year. (52, get it? One book a week.)
Now with only three days left of the old year, I’d say, I’d probably manage 42 books, if I finish Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere in time.
Still I think that’s quite impressive, considering that Vanity Fair aka The Book That Still Owes Me Four Freaking Months Of My Life was among those books.
I’m still not sure what book I will choose to be my favorite of last year. 2004 was easy, because it was the year I read „The Time Traveler’s Wife“ and practically bawled my eyes out over it. Hello? I didn’t even have to think about it. This year, the choice is not so easy. Since „Neverwhere“ is still in the race for Best Book I Read In 2005, I can’t say anything for sure yet anyway.
What was your favorite book of 2005 and why should I put it on my reading list for 2006?