The Surreal Phone Call and Too Many Languages

Language week

„Guten Tag, Herr W. von der Finanzagentur. Ich bin auf der Suche nach Tagesgeld. Ja, etwa eine Milliarde.“
„GroÃ?artig. Vielen Dank.“

„Hi, this is Mr. W. from the „Finanzagentur“. I’m looking for some money for today. Yes, about one billion.“
„Great. Thanks a lot.“

Apparently this is how our government gets new money. I sure would love to make such a phone call. Just once.

Honestly, when they just showed this scene on the news a few minutes ago I couldn’t stop laughing. It’s so damn surreal. And there are actually people who make these calls. For real. This is a bizarre world we live in.

Anybody got a million to spare?
Ca serait simplement splendide.

PS: Au fin de cette semaine je serai morte à cause d’une overdose de langues. Kiitos, srah. Alors, finalement j’ai parvenu à écrire quelquechose en finnois aussi.