…as in no-more-glasses.
We just came back from the optician and we both are wearing contacts at the moment. It was Pi’s idea to try contacts and somewhere along the road I decided I wanted to try some, too. I already had contacts for some years until a few years ago when I simply was too lazy to get me new ones, but since I never had problems I thought I could try again.
My problem is that I have to remind myself to wear my glasses which is incredibly stupid because I need them. I only don’t realize that I need them because my eyes are so screwed up. Meaning: I have one good eye and one bad eye. I only see in real 3D when I wear glasses but my one good eye is good enough to let me forger to wear my glasses. Which also affects my bad eye in the sense that I just don’t use it enough and so it gets worse. Screwed up.
The strange thing is that the optician measured my sight and decided I would only need one contact after all. So, I’m not even wearing contacts, I’m wearing a contact. Add this to the list of ‚Why I Am So Strange‘, right under ‚I think food is for playing with‘ which I will come back to some day.
We have to go back in about one or two hours to see if the lenses we are wearing right now fit. We’ll see and I’ll get back to you with more ‚I’m even more beautiful now‘-news really soon.
Current mood: Hey, things are clear. I’m actually seeing 3D. There IS a third dimension. (I wish I was kidding.
Listening to: Nothing. (And Pi knocking on the living room wall, indicating that I should come there, too.)