I’m Oh So Tired (Shhh Shhh)
The problem – as always – is that these days are still only 24 hours long. I could need about two hours more each day and then I might be able to do about half the things I want to do.
But they don’t and so I’m not.
At least yesterday I got out my clarinet and found out that I still now the basics of how to play it. I need to look up a lot, but I can play scales and still know how to play most of the notes without thinking about it too much. Of course I was exhausted after only a short time. You just need a lot of breath and after all this time I’m not used to it.
I also have all these ideas in my head, but I can’t seem to find the time to sit down and really think them out or actually put something into action.
But it’s okay. I get to read a lot on the train and work is fun, so I’m not complaining. I just wish the days were longer than they are.