Embracing my Cell Phone’s Camera
I always thought that those cell phone cameras were some gimmicky bullshit. Who needs a camera in his cell phone? I mean, doesn’t the quality kinda suck? And can’t you just get a cheap digital camera and carry that around?
Now I know who exactly needs a camera in his (or rather her) cell phone. I do.
And today I actually bothered to find out how Bluetooth works. (Hint: You need a Bluetooth-USB-Thingy to make it work. Who’d have thought?) So, finally I can present to you all the fun pictures I took with my cell phone these past weeks. And I won’t ever question the importance of a cell phone camera again. Because, seriously, who in their right mind would buy a cheap digital camera and carry that all around. Nerdy nerds, that’s who. Not me. I have my cell phone.
More will follow, just check out my Flickr photo stream.