What Is It That My Mind Wants To Tell Me?
Time for some dream analyzing. If the following isn’t enough for you, you can go check out Sarcomical’s dream and analyze hers, too.
But mine first:
The night before last night I dreamt I was at the Cologne main station with the boyfriend. I was coming from work and we wanted to get home. For some reason he was already on a train and I was still hanging around the station.
(Side note: I notice that about 99% of what happens in my dreams doesn’t make the slightest bit of sense. Why did he take the train without me? I have no idea. It was not a subject to discuss in my dream.)
So I looked at a clock and it was nearly 1 am. So I tried to figure out at what time approximately I would be home if I took the next train and I thought something like: ‚Well, I would be home around 2 am… I have to get up at 6 am, so that gives me about 4 hours of sleep. Ah, what the heck, I’m just going back to work and stay there over night.‘
Yeah, that’s what I did in my dream. I went back to work to stay over night. What the fuck was wrong with my dream-me? One of my bosses was still there (just for the record, it’s still in the middle of the night), but was getting ready to leave and asked me if I planned on leaving with him, too. I thought everything through again and then thought something like: ‚At least I could sleep in my own bed with the boyfriend. Ah, what the heck, I’ll just go home.‘
But then somehow Andreas was there, too and he told me that he planned to stay over night as well. So at least I wouldn’t be alone. He also said that he wanted to get Ben & Jerry’s ice-cream, so that he would have something to do.
That’s pretty much the end of my dream. There are other things I remember, but they’re really blurry, so I won’t bother to try to put them down in words. It would only get confusing.
I’m still strangely irritated by that dream. After all, I kind of like those dreams, because despite confusing me a lot they’re also somewhat funny.
Now, go ahead and analyze me!