Oh, And All The Wonders!

I love my new baby. I do.

Of course, my new baby is my computer which is one of the wonders of technology the world has to offer. Well, it actually isn’t such a wonder at all, it’s just an ordinary standard computer. But if you knew my old one you might understand why I am so incredibly happy.

The best thing? It has a TV tuner card and today we made it work (yes, it took us that long!) and now I can watch TV on my computer, and (that’s the reason I’m really thrilled) once I find the right software, I can also capture TV shows on my computer. That pretty much makes my video collection obsolete and if you knew how much space all the videos I never ever watch but can’t throw away either take up in our living room shelves you would understand why that is important to me.

I can also now play The Sims 2 on my computer and it looks even better. And I can watch my TV shows from my bed with a remote control in my hand, because I can friggin‘ control my computer with a friggin‘ remote control. Awesome, awesome, awesome.

Then I don’t have to worry about what files to delete anymore, because I have 250 GB, which compared to the 40 GB I had before feels like a heaven.

And last but not least did I tell you that burning an average CD takes about one sixth of the time it took before.

These are the reasons (or a few of them) why I love this thing. Passionately.

PS: Yes, you got that one right: Me = Geek.