We’ll Marry Our Fortunes Together

I must admit that I find it incredibly cute to witness my husband discovering the joys of the iTunes music store. So far he has given me no reason to worry about our finances either, so I guess it’s okay.

However that one evening the convenience of getting music via iTunes came back to bit us just a tiny little bit in the ass. Although we helped a lot by being stupid. It’s just that I could have noticed what he was about to do when he searched for Simon & Garfunkel’s America1 and he could have realized that if it was a Simon & Garfunkel song, for God’s sake, chances that I already have it on CD, like at least twice, would be fairly high.

But I guess it’s not as stupid as buying a song and then losing it. I still have no idea where the Counting Crows‘ version of Big Yellow Taxi went (silently, in the dark, I suppose). I knew I had it somewhen. I mean, how do you lose a file other than deleting it? And how could that have happened?

1 One of the few Paul Simon songs that are actually fit to play on the piano. Which is what I’ve been doing repeatedly these past days.