Christmas Memories
Here’s my brief account of my Christmas days. I won’t go into much detail here since it’s already late and I know myself to know that once I go a little bit into detail I’m already so deep in that it will definitely take me a really long time to finish this post.
As you might or might not know we celebrate Christmas on the evening of the 24th. As a kid that meant waiting until the evening before you could open your presents, but just so you know, that really isn’t as bad as it sounds. Also, I like the atmosphere when it’s already dark and you feel this tension all day long. And, as should be obvious, I’m used to it, so it seems natural to me that you open your Christmas presents in the evening.
Anyway, as I already wrote in my last post (if I’m not completely wrong) my parents asked us to come over and celebrate at their place and though we considered it we chose not to and be just the two of us for that evening.
You already heard about my Christmas dinner plans as well, only there was a little bit of a change. I didn’t make dessert. We were so full when we had finished the main course that I didn’t want to go into cooking stress again. I’m planning to make it for tomorrow though since a friend of Pi is coming for dinner, so I can finally tell you how it tastes. Just a short comment about the dinner though. The salad with the ‚peppered honey-apples‘ was delicious. Great. I realize I am somewhat of a enthusiastic ‚eater‘. I just love to cook and eat, just because I always want to try out new things and really enjoy new tastes and recipes. My mother doesn’t get me at all with this. Anyway.
So we enjoyed our dinner and then went to opening presents. Pi was allowed to open two of his before, since I got him (or us for that matter) a ‚Dekanter‘ and two enormous red-wine goblets and we needed those for our dinner.
Apart from that I got him a book (‚The Wall‘ by Marlen Haushofer, which is absolutely amazing and you should get it now) and a CD (‚Hang on Little Tomato‘ by Pink Martini). I had some problems finding good presents this year since I missed going to Cologne to get them and the shops here just aren’t that great.
I got only one present, but that was totally cool, since I finally got an MP3-player which I can take with me when I’m going for a run VERY SOON. (That’s more a promise to myself than anything else.)
We then went into couch-TV-mode and watched ‚Scrooged‘ (which I have seen for the very first time and I loved it if only for Bill Murray who I always love) and ‚Unforgettable‘ and then we were off to bed.
Saturday I spent the whole morning and early afternoon finishing my aunt’s present. I made her a cookbook with copies from my cooking magazines and some handwritten recipes in between (mostly because I made too little copies to fill the book). It didn’t turn out as great as I had planned but I was satiesfied with the result. Just when I had finished giftwrapping it my parents came by to pick us up.
I won’t write much about our evening at my grandparents. Nothing extraordinary happened there. The food was great as always, we drank a lot and had even more fun. We also got our presents. The coolest was one from my parents. It’s a set of four pictures and I was told that they are screen printings. On each picture is a musician, together they are a jazz band. As I always feel it’s not much use to spend too much words to describe pictures (and music) I will make a picture really soon and post it here. We finally managed to hang the pictures on our living room wall today, so I can tell they look really cool. You’ll see.
Not much happened on Sunday. Pi and I took a really long walk after all the celebrating. We really felt we needed some fresh air. On our way back we got batteries for my MP3-player and I tried it out when we got home. It’s really great and I can’t wait to have an opportunity to use which makes sense. (Note: Sitting on the couch and listening to your MP3-Player DOES NOT make sense.)
Then the holidays were over.
I will write more if I find the time and I also might include some childhood Christmas memories that might be even more interesting than recalling this year’s Christmas.
Sad note: We didn’t have a tree. Sniff.
Current mood: Nothing special. Happy so far.
Listening to: Something by Pink Martini. I could find out the name of the track but I won’t.