Tastes Change
I think my mother kind of remembers very fondly the days when neither me nor my father liked asparagus. There were those days when we didn’t and my mother could have all the asparagus for herself. Then that changed and now even I might feel a little yearning for asparagus.
I also think that she might be afraid of the day when my father and I decide we actually might like mussles. But that day hasn’t come yet. So far she only has to share them with my husband, who – as you might or might not no – will eat just about everything1.
1Though his culinary fault is that he somehow mistakes the „Best before“ date with a „Will immediately go bad one minute after midnight on this day“ date. He also seems to think that I have a sixth sense when it comes to determine if something has gone bad. Geez, I only check for mould and strange smells like everybody else. Plus, if you’re not sure and it costs unter two Euro, just throw it away. Nobody cares. Really.