The Friday Evening Party Massacre
My loveliest white dress is ruined and will never be white again. I don’t know which color it will be in the near future, but definitely not white.
We were at a party on a Friday and it was all fun and great, except nobody had a bottle opener so they kept opening their beer bottles with other things, mostly other beer bottles and lighters. I can’t do that, I always need a proper tool for opening bottles, but then again, I couldn’t drink since I was the designated driver (for more people than I ever could imagine, but that’s another story).
Anyway, it was around 1 or 1:30 when someone smart decided to accidentally pick a plastic printer cartridge filled with bright red ink and open his bottle with that. Guess what gave in first? I’ll give you a hint: It was NOT the bottle. Of course, I was the one standing right next to the guy so I was just sprinkled with red ink all over. It came right off my skin, but I pretty much knew right away that it would not come off my dress. My beautiful white „I-could-marry-in-that“ dress.
So, you might be able to imagine how thrilled I was. The party was over anyway, so I just wanted to get home. It was just an accident, so I tried to appear like I didn’t mind that much, when in fact I did. I minded a lot. I love that dress. But okay, I try to make the best out of most everything, so I’ll just try to bleach and die the dress. It will still be wonderful in another darker color, so I’ll get over it. It still was not fun when it happened.
By the way, we learned that if absolutely necessary we can transport six people with our car. This requires however that four of the six have to be relatively small and pretty drunk, so they don’t mind or even more probable don’t even notice that their extremities are squished together.