News From the Freezer / Night Blackout

Our poor freezer got defrosted again. I haven’t had the chance to look inside it yet, but I certainly have to think of something that includes chicken for dinner.

I woke up this night and checked the alarm clock. Strangely enough, because I usually don’t check my alarm clock when I wake up during the night. I don’t want to see that I have only 30 minutes before the alarm goes off. I like to go back to sleep in ignorance. But this night I actually did check the time and noticed that we obviously had no electricity. Pi woke up as well and I told him that we were without that great invention called electricity. So we got up and looked out the kitchen window only to realize that this was pretty pointless. There were no lights on anywhere, but it was 3 am, so I guess that was just normal. Also, the streetlamps didn’t work, but I can’t even tell whether this is normal or not. I know there are streets where streetlamps are turned off during the night, because there’s not much traffic there. I’ve never paid attention to whether this is the case with our street. Very strange and also a little bit frightening were the sirens I heard. I couldn’t make out whether they were police or ambulance sirens or some car alarm or whatever. Together with the blackout it seemed really strange and unreal.
Then I tried to turn on the lights in the stairway of our house and that didn’t work, so at least I know that we were not the only ones with no electricity. I don’t know what happened. The next time I checked, my alarm clock was on again, so somewhen between 3 am and 6 am the blackout was over. Luckily Pi has radio alarm clock that works with batteries, so I was able to set the alarm on his clock and get up this morning. It was kind of strange though. You don’t realize how dependent you are on electricity and how much you take it for granted until there’s a blackout. No lights, no alarm clocks, no TV, no computer, no fridge, no stove. That’s almost scary.

So, our freezer most likely got defrosted this night, although it was really not necessary.

Still, I wonder why I woke up this very night and looked at my clock. These are two things I hardly ever do and why should I? This night it was really helpful, cause if I hadn’t waken up, I would have overslept today and would be angry at the world for having to stay at work even longer (and on a Friday!).

Current mood: Happy! I will go home in about one hour and then I don’t have to go back here for two days.
Listening to: San Francisco by Vanessa Carlton (I still don’t know what to think of her. Part of me thinks she’s a quite talented, yet hopelessly overrated, girl, part of me is fascinated with her music, cause somehow her songs always get me. San Francisco is wonderfully crafted song. That’s for sure.)