- It’s impossible. I can’t watch this show without eating. It just doesn’t work. The minute this show starts I’m craving food. The junkier, the better. Jeez.
- If Rory ditches Lane for Costa Rica I’m going to kill her. With my own hands. Oh good, she’s not. I just can’t trust this show anymore. This season freaked me out and destroyed all the trust I had in it. You know, the reliability. Now they’re slowly trying to gain it back. Fortunately it seems to work.
- I need a notepad to scribble these thoughts down. I really need a notepad to scribble any thoughts down. Blog- and podcast-related.
- I wish I could speak Korean. Do they actually say something that makes sense or do they make funny jokes that only Korean-speaking people get. I bet they make jokes. Like Sun and Jin in Lost. I bet they’re talking dirty all the time and we just. Don’t. Know.
- I so know why I would never want a Bachelorette party. Thanks for reminding me. It’s too late anyway.
- So you have to choose between Celine Dion and Lane’s wedding…? Let me see: skinny screechy woman with ugly haircut vs. a bunch of crazy people and tons of food and drinks. Yeah, I know what I’d choose.
- Jenna Jameson? Wait, they actually really mentioned Jenna Jameson in that show? How did they work that in? I can only guess that those people who would complain about mentioning a porn star in a family show don’t know who she is and that’s how they get away with it. By the way, did you know that I gave my husband her autobiography for Christmas? That’s how cool a girlfriend I am.
- Again with Korean. What the hell are they saying? This is driving me crazy.
- Oh, god. The White Stripes’esque album cover with Lane and Zach. This is the moment when I start to cry. I love this show.
This entry was posted
on Sonntag, Mai 14th, 2006 at 7:56 pm and is filed under I Watch Too Much TV.
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