What I Learned Last Friday

On Friday I learned that there’s a very dangerous combination of shortcuts that one should only use in moments of absolute concentration (i.e. not on a Friday afternoon). Here it goes:

CTRL + A (starting the desaster)
CTRL + C (happily going along with it)
CTRL + A (doing it once again because it’s so damn handy)
CTRL + V (joyfully continuing the catastrophe)
CTRL + S (killing it once and for all)

My shiny new program that I had been working on all week. Gone. And no-one to blame but myself and Windows’s oh-so-very-helpful shortcuts. Yeah, thanks a lot for that.

Fortunately my colleague was able to retrieve from the depths of who-knows-what. So, I don’t have to do it all again. Phew. I learned my lesson anyway.