At a Loss

I’ve successfully gotten an okay to order some stuff from my husband1 and now I’m desperately trying to decide what exactly to order.
I’m at a loss. I’m struggling not to order the complete season 4 of Buffy, because I just complained being out of books and did at no point in the yammering mention the possible orderage2 of DVDs. Or CDs. So I would feel like a deceiving cheater if I’d indeed order some.

I guess I’ll just stick to books for myself. But I might throw in my parents‘ Christmas gifts. Since I gave my father a DVD player for his birthday last week they’re going to get some of their favorite movies (Dirty Dancing for my mother, The Fearless Vampire Killers for my father). I might as well get them right now and try to avoid my usual last-minute Christmas shopping. Then, I could accidentally slip in my copy of Fame. Purely accidentally of course.

1Not that I need his approval. But since the Big Car Shopping our bank accounts are not at their best, so it feels fair to alert him of my online shopping plans.
2I’ve been reading „Slayer Slang“, a linguistical approach to the language used in Buffy and it might have rubbed off a little.