But It’s So Nice and Cute and White

It’s completely insane considering that we already have two computers – and pretty good ones, too, but I am completely in love with iBooks. I want one. Preferably right now.

It’s even more insane since I can’t even say what I’d want to do with it. It just looks so nice. I really do believe that if I had an iBook creativity would just flow out of me with lethal force or something. It looks like writing would be more fun on an iBook. Hell, staring at the desktop would be more fun on an iBook.

But, as I said, I really don’t need one and I can’t fool myself into believing I do. It would make me happy though. But so would the DVD-box of season three of Alias. Which is a lot cheaper. At least it’s nice to know that in my case you can buy me happiness. Literally.