Oh Tears, Little Shiny Tears
I don’t know what it is so while in doubt, I’ll just blame it on my sickness, but I honestly could break out in tears every minute these days. I don’t, but I could.
I think it’s not too far-fetched that it’s at least partly my sickness, combined with stress at work, the newly acquired wisdom that my job is definitely not my dream job, a not-so-secret yearning for the all-time and oh-so-common house, kids and car, add a little of the realization that I’m a smart chick who only ever mastered the art of procrastinating instead of all the other arts she could possibly master if she would just set her goddamn screwed-up mind to it and not waste her time with computer games and TV shows (oh, but I enjoy it so much) and the final touch is both the gratitude for the wonderful man I could convince to stay with me and who has just proven to be the most caring husband and friend by making me hot lemon with rum and honey and bringing it to my bed and my thankfulness for all the beautiful music in the world.
So, if you think of it, it’s no wonder that I could constantly cry. And I wouldn’t mind if it wouldn’t look so stupid on the bus… and just because Ani diFranco said:
and i said „look at you this morning
you are by far the cutest
but be careful getting coffee
i think these people wanna shoot us
or maybe there’s some kind of local competition here
to see who can be the rudest“