What I Learned From Biking

1. Little flies tend to mistake my eyes for a nice swimming pool and/or water supply. Word hasn’t spread around that they are the shallow pools of death. Also, it itches.

2. Some pedestrians are even more stupid (I want to write stupider, but I can’t) than you can imagine. Which is really, really stupid.

3. Other bikers are either a lot slower or a lot faster than me. Either way, they’re getting in my way.

4. Little flies taste like nothing. Bet that wasn’t exactly the picture you needed. There. You got it anyway.

5. I don’t feel stupid wearing a yellow helmet. In fact I feel safer.

6. Traffic rules don’t apply to me. At least that’s what I’m telling myself.

7. I didn’t waste a single Euro on my bike. Ain’t that good to know.