The Test Is Over (?)

2004 was a crap year. So we lived and we were okay and nothing really bad happened, but we had to put up with so much crap, I still can’t believe it.
We had ongoing unemployment, non-paying tenants, trouble with health insurance and worse things that deserve a story of their own.

Then as strangely as it came suddenly 2005 got better. Okay, so it started out with The Worst Tenant Ever, but since he signed the lease in 2004 I’m counting him as the last big bad thing of the crappy year 2004 who just managed to slip into 2005.

Now I found a job right after I finished my training, we finally got married, we have a tenant who pays and solved our health insurance problems. Even the big unemployment thing is starting to look better – in terms of: no longer unemployed. My husband now has a job as a teacher for office software, computer stuff, presentation skills and what else there is. The company he works for right now sucks, that’s right, but it’s something and it actually seems to get better. He had two job interviews for freelance teaching lately and more are yet to come.

Sometimes I wonder if 2004 was some kind of a weird test to see how much we could possibly take. And now that we proofed ourselves we get the reward.

Then again, 2004 made me a lot more sceptical. I’m not believing until I have something right in front of me. I still have faith and I think I’m just a very optimistic person in general, but I’m very careful when it comes to planning ahead. If there’s one thing I learned from 2004 it’s that you never know what will happen next.