Bedtime Coming Close

Another post only because I feel like it…

Today’s dinner was part of the game ‚Empty-the-Freezer‘. So we had chicken with french fries and croquettes plus peas and cauliflower. Basically, everything that was in the freezer, still good and could actually be mixed together.
For dessert we had B&J and Campari Orange, only I always add a little bit of grenadine to mine, because I like the extra-sweetness. We bought the Campari for the cookies I made, so now we can have a little cocktail in the evening. Very nice.
By the way, I don’t actually think that this is even slightly interesting for anybody. You read it anyway, didn’t you? See?

I’m very tired now and I think I’m going to get ready for bed, go to bed, read like two sentences from the book that is closest to me and then sleep (hopefully safe & sound).