Huh? You Want Me? Are You Sure?

Apparently they’re starting to fight about where I will get to work after my training.
There has been an arrangement with the managers, so that all the trainees can stay here for three months after we have finished our training. Nobody can tell what will happen after these three months, if you’re really lucky can might get a time-based contract, but that’s not very likely to happen.

So, one of my bosses (it’s complicated, so don’t ask) already asked me if I would like to work on that project they have. Basically I had no other choice but to say yes, because I didn’t have any other options.

Today, Andreas got his things from his other desk up on 10th floor and told me that the guy he worked for there asked him whether he and I would like to work for the project they are currently working on.
He already sent a mail to one of the managers saying that he would like to get us to work on this project.
Even better, both projects are important enough to maybe get us (or me) another fixed-term contract.

Last week I had nothing and now they’re starting to fight over me.

Guys, I’m not that great. In fact, I’m pretty lazy and lack motivation most of the time. I’m only here for the money anyway.

Then again, let them fight. I’ll lean back and enjoy.