This Time I’ll Stick With The Books

Is it just me or did they leave out about three quarters of the book when they made ‚Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban‘ into a movie?

Now I’m the greatest defender of movies based on books, but this… no. Just no. It’s not the fact that they left out parts. It’s that they left out so much that anyone who hasn’t read the books, e.g. the boyfriend, must feel completely confused.

‚I couldn’t really concentrate, so I think I missed something‘, he says.

‚No‘, says I. ‚It wasn’t you not being able to concentrate. It was them not giving any background information needed to get the plot.‘

I still like the movie, basically because Hermione kicks ass the whole time. (It’s not as good as her and Ginny somehow being the best characters and completely ruling the fifth book, but still.)
But I still think that I only could enjoy it the way I did, because I have actually read the book and knew the plot.

And thank heavens for the kids wearing normal clothes.

By the way, I copied this from
The German subsidary of Warner Bros. tried to cut down the film (as they did with Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)) to secure a more commercial „Not under 6“ rating. They submitted several versions but all were rejected by the German ratings board FSK for this rating. In the end the uncut version was released with a „Not under 12“ rating.

You don’t want to know what they did to Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets here. I saw both versions and I felt like I was watching two completely different movies. Like, the one with the finale and the one with… yeah, no finale.
You also don’t want to know what they did to that new Peter Pan movie that came out last year or so. According to the German version, nobody died throughout the whole movie. They are really pushing those movies to a „Not under 6“ version here. At all cost. And fun it is not.

(On another side note, am I the only one who read Peter Pan and sympathized with Hook? Like all the time? Peter Pan is such an annoying brat. No wonder Hook wants him dead.)