What Shall Jamie Read? – First Impressions

I started with one of DeAnn’s suggestions: The Dogs of Babel. First, because I’ve thought about buying it before and second, because it was the only one of my list available at the bookshop in the train station.

I have read about 60 pages or so and this is such a great book. Thanks DeAnn, for recommending. I’m so happy with this book.

The greatest thing about it: It deals with two of my favorite things: dogs and linguistics. I didn’t think you could combine those two, but it seems you can. As far as I can tell, it also is a heart-breaking love story, but I’m mostly thrilled about dogs and linguistics. So great, so great. Aaaaah. Sigh.

On a side note I would remind you that if there’s one way to get my attention that is closest to foolproof, it is dogs. Mention your dog on your blog, I’ll be the first one to comment. Or not, because I live in a different time zone, but I will comment eventually.
Better even, post a picture. Only then, I won’t be able to write complete sentences anymore. I guess, DeAnn and Sarcomical know what I’m talking about.

Current mood: Headachy. That is also why my posts are rather confusing (and not as excellent and witty as usually) tonight. I’ve been busy all day, and I mean literally. I left home at 7 am and came back at 8 pm and I wasn’t involved in a lot of fun in the time between.
Listening to: The boyfriend caressing his bass in the living room. It’s just too cute.